Sunday, 13 March 2011

Return of the blog.............................this time, it's personal ;-P

Good Morning,

I was so determined to stick at doing the blog every day, but sadly life took over, as it often does. Plus, i did become quite lazy with it and kept thinking,"I'll do it tomorrow..........." I'm sure we've all had those moments when a day turns into a week, turns into a month eh?!!

It's been a period of rapid development for Rhys, who was described by his teacher last week as 'exemplary' He is making great progress with his literacy and numeracy and seems way more grown up than his 4 years sometimes. Of course, as with all 4 year olds (and indeed their elder peers) he can go from being mature and seeming quite grown up to quite childlike within seconds. At least life is never boring and monotonous with kids!!

He is currently on a sleepover at a friend's house and due to be collected at 10am. The house seems very quiet indeed without him and although I don't miss the constant requests for food and drink, I certainly wouldn't want it to be this quiet all the time. Life would be every boring indeed without my little fellow!!

I am determined to give the house a good blitz this week - that's the intention anyway! It remains to be seen whether I will stick to it or get distracted by the lure of coffee at a friend's. I am very easily distracted, so I wouldn't be surprised if it came to Friday and I have achieved nothing. It will certainly be made easier by the fact that there won't be a small figure desperately retrieving binned toys and hiding them at a rate of knots! Why do they do that?! There will be a broken, completely non-working car/robot/figure and they will work themselves into hysterics when they haven't played with it since they were tiny?!! Kids!!

Now, I do need encouraging to keep this up, so all gentle nudges weclome!!!


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